Go to where you want the object to be without being in a vehicle, for example here: Now press the h key. The current position coordinates will be written to the RoR.log (Located in Documents\My Games\Rigs of Rods\logs on Windows or /.rigsofrods/logs on Linux. Open the RoR.log file in any text editor and scroll down to the end of the file. You should see a line similar to this:
Rigs Of Rods Mapsl
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Morse is running a holiday sale at his shop. Topping the list is a $1,000 gift certificate that can be had for only $750. In addition, rod and reel combos are 15 percent off, while rods themselves can be had at a 10-percent reduction, along with just about anything else in the store. Tight Lines is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and will be open until Dec. 20, before Morse takes a break for the holidays.
The dominant type of domestic and livestock well in this area is a cased drilled well containing a separate pipe and cylinder for conducting the water to the surface. Tubular wells predominate in some parts of the uplands in the northern half of Gray County, however. A tubular well is a drilled well with no separate pump pipe. The pipe that conducts the water to the surface acts also as the casing. Wells of this type generally are 2 to 4 inches in diameter and consist of a galvanized-iron pipe at the bottom of which is attached a screened point and a brass-lined cylinder. The submerged cylinder is connected with a pump at the surface by rods within the pipe. The principal advantage of tubular wells is the lower cost. The chief disadvantage of this type of well is the difficulty in pulling the pipe to repair the cylinder. There is also danger of the hole caving while the repairs are being made.
The most common drilling methods used in this area are the sand bucket method, orange-peel bucket method, and the hydraulic-rotary method. The method used depends on the depth of the well and the character of the material through which the well is drilled, and may be governed also by the type of equipment that is available. The sand bucket method generally is best suited for areas where the water level lies at shallow depths and, therefore, is widely used in the Arkansas valley. This method is limited to use in sand or gravel and is not satisfactory where a large amount of clay or hard material is encountered. The most common type of sand bucket consists of a cylinder, with a check valve at the bottom, enclosing a plunger attached at the top to a rope or cable. Portable rigs, generally mounted on trucks, or a tripod and pulley are used to operate the bucket.
Casings used for most irrigation wells in this area range from 16 to 24 inches in diameter and are of various types. The most common type of casing used for irrigation wells is made of perforated galvanized iron. Boiler steel and used oil-well casing are sometimes used, particularly in deep wells. Many irrigation wells are cased with concrete rings manufactured locally. The casings are assembled a few rings at a time as the well is being drilled. Vertical iron rods or cables that pass through holes in the rings act as guides in lowering the rings into the well. In one type of concrete casing the water enters the well through spaces between the rings; in another type each ring has vertical slots through which the water enters the well. A few irrigation wells have been cased with casing made from old oil drums. Casing perforated by a manufacturer according to specifications, however, is most satisfactory. 2ff7e9595c